Cultural Entrepreneurship as social and economic triggers

  • Elvira Silvia Pantoja Ruiz Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro


All those visionaries who have managed to start a cultural enterprise, are considered to have succeeded because they implemented their own administrative processes driven by a business vision that they had and that they were able to realize. The objective of this work was to identify the different socio-economic contributions that are detonated from cultural enterprises. The population that was considered was 50 local and national cultural entrepreneurs, the instruments that were designed to evaluate the strategies of entrepreneurs were from 34 surveys and 16 interviews that addressed two axes mainly: social impact and economic impact. The results obtained in the different entrepreneurship projects show that cultural enterprises have a significant impact on the socio-economic sectors. It is concluded that there should be greater impetus for cultural enterprises in Mexico from the design of strategies that allow to effectively position a company in the cultural market that pays for the economic and social development of the country.
How to Cite
Pantoja Ruiz, E. S. (2021). Cultural Entrepreneurship as social and economic triggers. Revista Electrónica Del Desarrollo Humano Para La Innovación Social, 8(16). Retrieved from