The Use of Technology in Global Learning

  • Verónica Rodríguez Luna Universidad Veracruzana
  • Jorge Martínez Cortés Universidad Veracruzana
  • Félix Aude Sánchez Universidad Veracruzana


Due to the economic, social and cultural changes that have taken place in recent years, there has been an unprecedented technological development in which the training of teachers, students and even organizations in addition to cultural expressions are in constant transformation. Therefore, day by day there is greater interdependence and collaboration between different countries, which means that knowledge is no longer focused on a single local context, but that different perspectives, disciplines and countries are involved in the generation of knowledge. In this sense, it is crucial that university students broaden the vision they have of their disciplines and the world in general, by coming into contact with content generated in other parts of the planet and therefore presenting knowledge from other contexts. The foregoing promotes better graduation profiles and the acquisition of global competencies, such as: analytical thinking, critical thinking, empathy and flexibility. In the present investigation, Basic English students from the Universidad Veracruzana conducted Internet searches and analyzed a video that was provided to them to understand a topic that was previously taught in a traditional way and with a mainly national perspective. In general, the participants responded that they had managed to think in a more creative way and integrate the new knowledge acquired with what they already had from previous semesters.
How to Cite
Rodríguez LunaV., Martínez CortésJ., & Aude Sánchez, F. (2020). The Use of Technology in Global Learning. Revista Electrónica Del Desarrollo Humano Para La Innovación Social, 7(14), 87 - 99. Retrieved from
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