Community participation of women in the social life in the community of the ciénega, municipality of Malinaltepec, Guerrero

  • Raúl Nicolás Valdés Universidad Intercultural del Estado de Guerrero


The objective of this work is to study the community participation of women in different areas of social life in the community of the Ciénega, municipality of Malinaltepec, Guerrero-Mexico. This in order to find explanations of the actors of the community where the study is located around the relationship that the inhabitants have on gender from the cultural, educational, political, family and anthropological perspective, based on their ways of life. In the community. It is emphasized that the study takes place in a native Me'phaa community that has its own cultural elements in conflict with foreign cultural elements and, furthermore, differs greatly from the predominant perception of gender compared to the vision of the inhabitants of said culture. For this, it is essential to have the version of the community's social actors who, from their worldview, have a range of their own cultural elements that lead to defining women and men and from there the role and activities of each one from the family and social space. The foregoing as part of the social constructions defined in both spaces, which in some way determine the various ways of understanding gender in the following aspects: cultural, educational, political, family and anthropological. In this way, it is proposed to know the different perceptions that the inhabitants of the study context have, and for this it has been defined to methodologically base this work through the application of semi-structured interviews to key informants according to the objective of this investigation.
How to Cite
Nicolás Valdés, R. (2022). Community participation of women in the social life in the community of the ciénega, municipality of Malinaltepec, Guerrero. Revista Electrónica Del Desarrollo Humano Para La Innovación Social, 9(18). Retrieved from
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