Satisfaction and job well-being in workers of a Estancia for Older Adults in Morelia, Michoacán

  • Lucía María Dolores Zúñiga Ayala Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo
  • Ithzel Liliana Fernández Montaño Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo
  • Miriam Aguilar García Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo


This work is part of a project on prosocial attitudes in formal caregivers of older adults and vulnerable populations. Martorell et. al. (2011) define prosocial attitude as those voluntary actions of help, cooperation and altruism that benefit others. He relates them to the emotional and personality development of caregivers. Caregivers are identified as those personnel linked to the care of people with difficulty in caring for themselves and who require assistance (López & Sevilla, 2015). Having satisfied their needs or finding satisfaction in what they do according to Herzberg's theory (1959) affects their personal well-being and guarantees the effectiveness of the work they do in institutions that care for vulnerable populations. Method. The study is descriptive-correlational, with a convenience sampling. The target population is 80 people assigned to government institutions that provide assistance services to vulnerable populations through the different agencies under their jurisdiction. Initially, a diagnosis was made of 12 collaborators of a Home for the Elderly, belonging to the State DIF, with an average high school education, age between 38 and 65, and an average of 6 years of service. The instruments applied for data collection are the Satisfaction Questionnaire 20/23 from Melia and Peiró and the Wellness Questionnaire Weis-17. Results. The results show satisfaction levels ranging from satisfied to quite satisfied where the highest score is on average in the Intrinsic Job Satisfaction dimension, followed by satisfaction with supervision and participation. With respect to well-being, the data place them at a medium level, probably because the activity they carry out allows them to put their knowledge at the service of people who require it and from whom they have received gratitude and recognition. Working conditions scored lowest, mainly because of the lack of support among them as collaborators and the level of salaries. An intervention proposal was made based on experiential workshops to generate prosocial attitudes among them as co-workers, it was accepted and was carried out pending a follow-up of the commitments made during the workshops.
How to Cite
Zúñiga AyalaL. M. D., Fernández MontañoI. L., & Aguilar GarcíaM. (2020). Satisfaction and job well-being in workers of a Estancia for Older Adults in Morelia, Michoacán. Revista Electrónica Del Desarrollo Humano Para La Innovación Social, 7(14), 100 113. Retrieved from
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