Interaction Between Maintenance Management Models TPM, RCM, and CBM: A Literature Review Using PRISMA 2020

  • Martín Pillado Portillo Tecnológico Nacional de México/ I.T. de Ciudad Juárez
  • Rosa María Reyes Martínez Tecnológico Nacional de México/I.T. de Ciudad Juárez
  • Eduardo Rafael Poblano Ojinaga Tecnológico Nacional de México/ I.T. de Ciudad Juárez
  • Manuel Alejandro Barajas Bustillos Tecnológico Nacional de México/ I.T. de Ciudad Juárez


This literature review focuses on examining the interaction between various maintenance models developed by researchers in different fields. The approach centered on analyzing the relationships between these models without delving into their specific applications or detailing their individual strengths or limitations. The primary purpose was to identify and understand how these models interacted with each other. To carry out this review, the PRISMA 2020 statement methodology was employed, which guided the process of screening relevant information. This information was obtained through an exhaustive search in two recognized academic databases, specifically Elsevier and Emerald. The analysis resulted in a total of 83 records that met the established inclusion criteria for examining the interaction between maintenance models. The results of this review revealed a series of significant findings. In particular, 68 records were identified that addressed the interaction between Condition-Based Maintenance (CBM) and Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), 127 records related to the interaction between TPM and Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM), and 164 records linked to the combination of CBM and RCM. These discoveries provide a broader and more detailed view of how different maintenance models relate to each other in the context of the reviewed academic literature. Such understanding is fundamental for advancing the knowledge and application of effective maintenance practices in various industrial sectors.
How to Cite
Pillado Portillo, M., Reyes Martínez , R. M., Poblano Ojinaga, E. R., & Barajas Bustillos, M. A. (2024). Interaction Between Maintenance Management Models TPM, RCM, and CBM: A Literature Review Using PRISMA 2020. Revista Electrónica Del Desarrollo Humano Para La Innovación Social, 11(22). Retrieved from
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